Dynamical System Modeling and Stability Investigation
December 19-21, 2023

We invite you to take part in the China National Talents program sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology which aims to appeal to High-end scientists around the world to collaborate with enterprises or National level labs or scientific institutes or universities together make breakthroughs in world-level restricted technologies by western countries. this program has been implemented for 20 years till 2024.

You need to complete the attached file and send it to oleksiibychkov@knu.ua

For the winner of the national talents program. there will be 1 million Yuan provided by the national level government to the winner and this amount of money will be dispersed at one time and free of tax. We would like to see among the winners of the competition (physics, chemistry, biological, mathematics, ship- aero-building, etc.): 
- Academicians of Ukraine
- Young doctors who finished their PhD degree with three consecutive working experience
- Professors and associate professors 

For more details see: http://www.qingfeitalent.com

Registration Form